Monday, December 04, 2006

Sun, Dec 3rd

Had a much quieter week this week then last week. Didn't get up to much. Went out most nights but didn't really get up to much. Every Monday evening I go to the hostel on the way home from work to do my interneting – sending emails, looking for jobs and updating my blog. I have managed to sneak onto some neighbours wireless connection in my house but the connection is quite temperamental and I can only get it in the corner of Glen's room, so yeah, I still go back to the hostel to use the free wireless. I don't really watch tv over here (just one new show called Heroes, which is excellent) so I generally try to go out in the evenings to do something. Kelly is going back to Scotland shortly so I spent most of the week with her. Just went out to the cinema and pool n' stuff. Nothing major.

Since doing the skating last week I wanted to try and find a cheap pair of skates as it's actually free to use the ice rinks if you have your own skates. A nice Vietnamese girl in work helped me out by giving me a few names of places. I headed out to one of them on Friday evening with Glen. Play-it-again Sports. Second hand sports store that was quite a distance from out house. Well worth the trip though as I picked up a pair of skates for $30. A complete steal. I was delighted. That's my entertainment sorted for the next two months. I went skating for about 3 hours with Kelly on Saturday and then for about an hour and a half with Jamie on Sunday. Jamie hasn't been skating in years but he's very good and got back into the swing of things in no time. Met some people from the hostel on Sunday down at the rink and convinced a few of them to buy their own skates too as they loved it. I should be down there quite a bit.

I went out on Friday and Saturday night again. Didn't get up to anything too crazy this week though. It was Angela's birthday so I let her take over for the week. I got her a cake, so we all had that in our place, with drinks before heading out. Kelly moved into our place too for her last week. Herself and Angela headed East for a week on the Sunday so we'll have to have a night out for Kelly's leaving next Mon or Tues. I just about managed to get up to say goodbye to them in the morning. Fell back to sleep then till 3. Just in time to go skating with Jamie. We had light snowfall on the Sunday too so the cold weather is definitely on the way. It was quite nice skating while it was snowing.

No plans again for this week. It'll be my first week by myself in work and i'm dreading it, it's gonna be a complete disaster. Would really love for this to be my last week so will have to try harder for a new job. It's not a great time of year to be looking though. Glen and Jamie both managed to get new jobs during the week so they're happy out. Hopefully i'll have similar luck shortly. Well that's me for this week. Stay tuned.

My new babies
We celebrate Angela's birthday on the Friday night.
Yummy cake. The writing on it is a long story.
We enjoy the sunset on the ice rink on Saturday. Good way to clear the head after the previous night.
I take a pic of myself and Kelly while we're actually skating. Not as easy as it sounds. Especially trying to avoid all the other skaters at the same time.
Drinking at home on the Sat night before hitting the town.
Jamie's quite the skater, when he's not rolling around in pain on the ice.
Again, not very advisable to take pictures while actually skating.

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