Kelly went back to Scotland on Wednesday so we went out on Tuesday night for a bit of craziness. We were drinking at home first and then went down to the hostel so Kelly could say goodbye to a lot of the people we've met since getting here. It was good craic and was a good send off for Kelly. Didn't get much sleep that night so went to work drunk in the morning. Not the first time and i'm sure it won't be the last. We flew through the work on Wednesday so I actually finished up at 1 so I went with Kelly to the airport to send her off. Really wish Kelly hadn't left as she's extremely nice and we had some good times together. I'm hoping i'll get to see her again soon.
On Thursday night I played a game of indoor soccer with Glen and a gang of Irish folk. There's loads of us over here, especially Corkonians. It was great to have a game as I haven't played in years but man was I in pieces after it. My poor legs were aching for days. I made the mistake of going skating the following day which really killed off my legs. I was lucky to make it home at all. My legs were in pieces. Hopefully i'll get a few more games of footie in before I head west. And lots more skating too of course. I can definitely see a difference in my skating now after doing it quite a bit over the last couple of weeks. Not sure i'll have time to master the backwards skating though, it's tough.
Over the weekend, I was out trying to look for work. I went to 2 more recruitment agencies so hopefully one of them will get back to me. On the Saturday night I headed out with a bit of a gang for our usual drinking session. Funnily enough, the loud mouth I had been working with earlier in the week came out with us too. She knows Paul, that I live with. Needless to say, I avoided her for the night. Typical night of carnage followed by Chinese take away afterwards. Living in Chinatown definitely has its advantages.
I tried out the ice rink at City Hall during the week. It's free too but not half as good as the harbour front one.
Back down to the Harbour Front
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