On Wednesday, another one of our Irish gang, Melissa, headed home for Christmas, so I was out on Tuesday night with her to see her off. I'm keeping the spending down at the moment though so I didn't stay out too long. She's gonna fly back to Vancouver so i'm sure we'll meet up again.
After some skating on Wednesday I headed over to the Swap office on the way home as they had emailed me about having a Christmas get-together. There was a good turn out there so that was good fun. They had lots of free wine and food too so that was me taken care of for the night. Normally I can't drink wine at all but the wine they got went down nice and easy. I didn't have too much but def enough to get me a little merry. This party did help me get into the Christmas spirit too.
Friday was my day to stock up on booze as the off license would be closed for a few days for Christmas. I've been trying lots of different Canadian beers and have found quite a few I like. The latest one to tickle my fancy is a beer called Laker. You can get a six pack for $8 and it's 5.9% which is pretty strong for beer. I picked up quite a few packs of them to keep me going over Christmas. We started drinking quite early on Friday but ended up just staying in drinking for the night. Wise decision as the next few days were mental.
Saturday, myself and Glen decided to head out to the pub Angela works in. It's a super small Irish pub out by the beaches (as seen in a previous post). The pub is run by a Cork lady who's been living in Toronto for about 10 years now. You wouldn't guess that though, from how strong her accent is. Anyway, she wasn't there that night so it was just Angela running the bar. I really enjoyed it out there as you can chat away to pretty much anyone drinking there, they were all really nice to us. We had to head back downtown to meet Jamie then as he had just finished work. We had another wild night out in a club called Brunswick House. Met up with Angela then back home afterwards and we were up till all hours. This was a practice night to get me in form for the following few nights.....
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