Work hasn't been too bad for the week. The work itself is monotonous but everyone I work with are really nice so it makes it a lot easier. If the hours were more regular and it wasn't so far away i'd prob be able to stick it out.
On Friday night I headed on another pub crawl with Glen and Jamie. Similar to last week. We'd just wander the streets and anyone that gave us a flyer we try their pub. Most places are still pretty crap but its good to get to go into all of them just to try them out anyway. And most of the women working in these places are phenomenal. We were chatting with this one girl who look exactly like Beyonce's character in Austin Powers. Foxy Cleopatra we were calling her, apparently she gets it all the time. I would have married her on the spot given the chance. Apparently she was half Irish too which was hilarious. Everybody over here is half Irish. For such a small population we sure seem to haven't gotten around. Anywho, we had another great night that night and all stumbled home at some crazy hour.
I had to be up for work again at 9 the following morning so needless to say I was in pieces. That turned out to be a looooooooooooong day. Was falling asleep at one stage and everything. My boss is sound out though so he knew the situation. After just about making it through the day in one piece I headed straight out again with Glen, Jamie and Angela, back to the Mod Club where we had went last week. It's absolutely brilliant, one of the best clubs i've ever been in. We had another brilliant in there. Jamie was chatting with the lead singer of the band and hopefully we'll be on the guest list for next week. After the club we ended up going into a Vietnamese restaurant on the way home. While we were waiting for our food I went over to some guys and asked if I could taste some of their food. Seemed like a good idea at the time. They let me taste it but you should have seen the look they gave me. Hilarious. We've been laughing about it ever since.
Had a pretty relaxing day on Sat. Went to the cinema with Angela and Fiona (nice Scottish gal). We went to an CG animated movie called Open Season. Movie was only alright but we went to see it in a super fancy Imax cinema here. The movie was completely in 3d (first one ever) on a MASSIVE screen, so on the way in they gave us these fancy glasses, just like sunglasses really. The 3d was really cool . For about the first 10 min I wasn't really paying attention to the movie and was just looking at all the things in the foreground/background. Some big directors are pushing all movies to be like this in the future, so it was pretty cool to see the first one ever.
And that just about sums up my week. It'll prob sound the same as my next few weeks. Hoping to get to some more gigs soon and a hockey game too. So check back soon....

Rocking out in The Mod Club
Don't think I have any sober pictures of Glen and Jamie
Toronto City Hall
Fancy church across from City Hall.
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