The problem now is trying to remember what i've done in the last week. I was talking with Angela (my new housemate) about how crazy it is that i've only been here 3 weeks. Feels like about 3 months with all I've done. So last Monday I had my first Thanksgiving and yes, it is a different date to Thanksgiving in the States. The Hostel were doing a big dinner for anyone who signed up for it. $5. I actually didn't sign up in time and it was sold out but I'm buddies with the chef so he sorted me out. It was good to have a home cooked meal for a change since I've been eating out every night since I got here. I even went back for seconds.
Can't say I got up to much for the rest of the week as I worked Tues to Sat. This was my first proper week of work as I just had training last week. Well i'm glad to say that work pretty much sucks. Looks like i'm back to regular life again. I'm used to liking my job so i'm not too happy about it. My day consists of ringing up people all day who are currently sponsoring children in third world countries and asking them if they can afford to sponsor a second child. Its not so bad as generally all the people I ring are really nice and they already know what i'm "selling". I just don't like talking on the phone all day and annoying people at inopportune times. Everyone I work with is really nice and friendly too. The worst thing about the job though is the hours and the length of time it takes me to get there. Takes about an hour and a quarter to get there and get back. For each journey I have to take a streetcar, a subway and then a bus. My hours are usually 1-9 but sometimes its 3-11 so I don't get home till after midnight. So anytime I haven't been working this week i've been out looking for a new job. I'm hoping to find some crappy office job downtown that's 9-5 Mon-Fri. I've two interviews on Mon morn with recruitment agencies so hopefully they'll be able to help me out.
By Friday night I was dying for some booze so had to go out even though I had to be up at 9 on Sat morn for work. I headed out with Glen and Jamie on a bit of a pub crawl. We hadn't been to too many pubs so we wanted to try find one we really like. Must of the pubs over here are pretty crap. So we just wandered a few streets and anytime we were given fliers or concessions we'd try that place. We weren't having much luck finding a good place so we decided to join Martin and Des (2 more Irish lads) in a pub called The Underground. This place was great. A real dark and dingy place but good crowd and great music. Bit like The Oak in Dublin for ye in the know. Met a real nice American girl there too by the name of Shana. Later on is a bit hazy as I had quite a bit of drink in me at this stage. I ended up heading back to some Asian dudes apartment with the American girls and Martin. Had a great night there but didn't get home till 6 so needless to say work the next day was torture. Unfortunately Shana was only in Canada for a holiday so had to head back to the States. Just my luck.
After a painful day in work I decided to head out to go see Badly Drawn Boy with Angela in a nice small club called the Mod Club. Absolutely brilliant gig. I was struggling with the standing initially, but after a few pints I was back in action. After the gig ended the club started which was excellent too. I'll def be heading back there again. Another late night so I enjoyed a nice lie in on Sun morn. I really deserved it as hadn't slept much over the last week or so. Well that's about all I remember of my week but I think it's prob enough for ye to be reading now anyway. Stayed tuned for my next update. Same bat time, same bat channel.....

My new place
Nice Toronto Sunset
Some cool street "performers". Gravity defying balancing.
Shana and Alison
View from fancy Asian apartment.
Badly Drawn Boy, with some bald dude.
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