Had a good week this week. 4 day week in work due to a bank holiday on Monday. The less I have to work in that bank the better. No sign of a new job yet but i'll keep an eye out.
On Tuesday Glen gave me a ring to say he noticed there were still some cheap tickets available to go see Guns n' Roses on Wednesday night and he was wondering if I'd go with himself and Jamie. Why the fup not, I said. So on Wednesday we wandered down to the gig. It was on in the ACC, the basketball stadium. The doors opened at 8 so we thought we'd go down at 9 and they'd be on shortly afterwards. We couldn't have been more wrong. When we got in there were a massive bunch of strippers on stage called The Suicide Girls. Pretty impressive. All gigs should start with a strip show. After them then there was a guy called Sebastian Bach, he's a big rock star over here. Pretty good but didn't know any of his stuff. We kept moving around the stadium and sitting in better seats then our own for a while until we'd get moved on again. So by the time GNR came on it was 11.30. I was already ready for bed at that stage. They played for almost 2 and a half hours with no break and they ROCKED. It really was great and a complete steal for $35. They played all the old classics and they place went nuts for them. For those who know them, the Trailer Park boys came on stage to sing a song too. They sang Country Road. Bubbles was hilarious. We didn't get out of there till 2 so needless to say we were all shattered and work the next day was a struggle. Well worth it though.
I had a quieter weekend then most and only went out boozing one night. Went to see the new Bond on Friday night with the gang, very good by the way. I watched footie for most of the day on Saturday with Jamie. They show 3 live Premiership games every Saturday, which is great. Myself and Jamie decided to start drinking at 1, which may not have been our best idea ever. But to be honest I lasted very well for the night. And managed to spend less drink that way too as I had most of my drink at home. Another great night had anyways.
On Sunday I headed out to pick up a few things and go see the Santa March. Yeah, I said Santa March. Its basically like our Paddy's day parade but instead of everything being green, its red. Not really a big fan of parades anyway so can't say it did much for me. There was thousands of kids lined up the streets that seemed to enjoy it though. Well that was all I got up to in the last week. Think i'll have my last month in Toronto in January so i'll head West to Whistler at the start of February. I've got Billy Connolly on Thursday so will report back on that next week.

The gig before, it kicks off

The lighting at the gig was amazing, not really demostrated here.

Axel rocks out on the piano, don't try this at home kids.

We sneak to a better, closer spot.

The Santa March
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