Well I mentioned on my last post that i'd be having a quiet weekend the weekend just gone as Glen and Jamie would be working. Well that didn't quite go to plan. On the Friday I went to see Borat after work with them, very funny by the way. Afterwards I persuaded the lads to go for just the one drink. Well you can probably guess the rest. 1 turned into twelve and we all crawled home. Glen had to be up for work at 6 so got less then 5 hours sleep, the poor fupper.
They were adamant then that they wouldn't be going out on Sat night as they both had work on Sunday morning but turns out work was canceled on Sunday for them so Saturday was another night of carnage. We started drinking at home again first and then headed down to Kelly in the hostel. The place was packed, as always and we were in great form so had a hilarious night. After seeing Borat the night before I thought it would be a great idea going around high-fiving everyone. Think I managed to high-five every girl in the city. Also managed to break a snooker cue off a guy, which sounds a lot less then it actually was. We also ended up playing baseball with ice late on. Needless to say I ended up with a lot of cuts and bruises after that night. Lost my camera case too but was lucky enough to find it in the hostel the following day. Another blast of a weekend so, but still no money saved. Maybe next week eh.
Myself and Kelly also got tickets to Billy Connolly for the end of the month which i'm delighted about as I thought it was sold out. We got the last pair of tickets going. Can't wait, been wanting to see him for years. Been trying for Hockey tickets but they're proving almost impossible to get, unless you wanna spend $200. Well that's all for now. Jagsermash.

Myself, Kelly and Dave, perfectly sober on the Friday night.
Gary's still able to play pool even after I break the cue off him. Those Liverpudlians are hard as nails.
I do my best with what's left of the cue. It doesn't help when you see two of every ball too.
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