I got a call the following day to say that company wanted to have an interview with me so in I popped and met with two lads who gave me lots of computer questions. A lot of stuff I wouldn't really be familiar with but I was just completely honest and it all went fine. The interviews over here are a bit of a pain as you always get awkward questions like, “when, in a previous job, did you go over the call of duty to help someone out”, or “what area would you most like to improve on?”. These questions are hard to answer correctly so you don't make yourself sound bad. Anywho, all went fine so I was pretty hopeful.
When I went back to the hostel to check my mails I had gotten a mail from a guy from a games company who wanted to meet for a “chat” the following morn. We met in a cafe and had a good ol' chat. He was a real nice guy and it was a nice informal chat. Everything went really well but i'm pretty sure i'm under qualified as it's a pretty serious position that they'll be hiring for. Right in the middle of the chat I got a call from the recruitment agency to say I got the other job and would start on Monday. That was good to hear. I won't hear about the games job till the end of the month but pretty sure I won't be getting that.
Over the weekend I went to view two houses. One was really nice but was quite a bit out of town and i'd say the room mates were super nerds. The other place was a bit of a dump and the guy showing it to me was straight outta The Deer Hunter so needless to say I was itching to get outta there before he caged me up, or something.
The lads also got back from Whistler for the weekend and it was their last days in Vancouver before they headed off on their tour of the U.S. For 2 months. Fortunately they both love Vancouver as well so have decided to come back here to work instead of going home. Ideally i'd like to try save some cash while they're gone but that' prob not gonna happen. We went out and partied hard for their last weekend and had some great craic as per usual. We also went to a great park in the city called Stanley Park. It's massive so we only got to see about 1/5 of it before the legs stopped working and we had to get Clint to pick us up. It's gonna be a great spot during the summer and might make me purchase a cheap bike for myself. Everyone keeps going on about how great it is here in the summer. Can't wait.
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